Showing posts with label Deerfield High School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deerfield High School. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2022


Lessons Learned from the School Board — the Hard Way.

By: Debra Rade

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.” — Jean Baptiste Alphonse Karr, 1849


 CHAPTER FOUR Common threads that bind us...

 “Can you please help? Chris tried to help and look where that got him. We are  all terrified if this can happen to the superintendent, what will they do to the rest of us? What will become of our district? This situation is actually worse that the [Cash and Carry] scheme…Please do not let the moral, ethical actions of our former superintendent, who wanted to do the right thing, be for nothing and allow crimes to once again go unpunished in District 113.” Whistleblower Letter, October 2018


Powerful words, indeed. Given the obvious fear, brave words, too. Imagine working in that environment.

The Whistleblowers are referring to a course of events that span nearly a decade. It is alleged that, over that course of time, the Board of Education of Township High School District 113 failed to hold various administrators fully accountable for:


·      Negligent accounting and mismanagement of more than one million dollars in cash — Cash & Carry;

·      intentional falsification by a Principal of required school filings; and,

·      theft and destruction of District 113’s records and property.


Not included in the Whistleblower Letter, but related to the School Board’s determinations during that same time, is Amy Burnetti’s lawsuit against District 113 filed in 2021, pending in 2022, in Federal Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Among the plaintiff's various counts in that lawsuit, Ms. Burnetti alleges she was wrongfully subject to retaliatory demotions and discipline for her actions: 

  • in assisting Superintendent Dignam and Robbins Schwartz in the investigation of theft and destruction of District’s records and property; and,
  • in compliance and enforcement of an Illinois statute requiring a registered child sex offender in the community to be “under the direct supervision of a school official” at all times when "in the vicinity of children" on a school campus. (ILCS 5/11-9.3(a) 
With regard to the latter issue, Ms. Burnetti alleges that the "prior administration had allowed a [registered] child sex offender, who is a parent of a HPHS student, to be present on campus in violation of state law and without required oversight." She alleges, upon information and belief, that "some of the then-current Board Members were friends with the parents" — one of the parents is on the registered sex offender list — and, upon information and belief, "Defendants Garlovsky and Hymen sought to reverse Superintendent Dignam's decision barring the [registered] child sex offender from campus...[and that] the parents also contacted the Board's outside counsel, Anthony Loizzi, to attempt to reverse the decision of Superintendent Dignam."

This yet another ugly chapter in the continuing saga of District 113’s Board of Education over the last decade. The saga is replete with instances of poor to willfully negligent (if not actionable) governance and compliance decisions in each "generation" of the School Board. What are the constants over time that result in the same type of failures? What are the common threads that bind all of these bad decisions together.


Clearly, there are different "generations" of independent thinkers who are elected to the Board of Education. These elected officials may be there for one term or more — short-term or long-term board members. For instance, one current member of the School Board is Kenneth Fishbain who served on the Board of Education from 2003 to 2011, including as Board President in 2010. He returned to the School Board in 2020 and, as of 2022, is its vice president. Gayle Byck has been on the board since 2018. A list of School Board members and their years of service between July 2017 and March 2022 is linked. While there is some continuity of School Board members, it is hardly a constant, the membership changes over time. 


Highland Park and Deerfield are communities with many exceptionally talented, well-educated, and successful residents. It is reasonable to assume that District 113's School Board is comprised of people who want to do a great job on the Board and to earn praise for their tireless work on behalf of the community. It can be a thankless, demanding job. In general, the community should be grateful that we have residents who want to be stewards of our educational system, intending to maintain and improve it.


However, it is apparent that, despite best intentions, the Board of Education of District 113 has consistently made bad decisions regarding internal governance and compliance. These decisions seriously hamper the ability of the high schools to best fulfill their educational mission. Not only do these decisions negative impact the reputation of District 113, they also impact the incredibly high taxes residents pay for living in Highland Park and Deerfield. 


The record shows that the Board of Education has failed to hold certain administrators accountable for poor performance and malfeasance. It appears that the School Board has disciplined, demoted or terminated some administrators for their endeavors to follow best and ethical practices, and for their compliance with Illinois laws. The School Board, and some members of the community, accused Superintendent Dignam of creating a “toxic environment” yet, the record shows a toxic environment predated and postdated his short term in the administration. 


There are a lot of closed door meetings at the School Board, presumably on advice of counsel. This appears to be another constant thread. Based on reviewing the facts and dates in this report, there is a very good question whether some of those meetings may have violated the  the Open Meetings Act. The Whistleblowers allege cover-ups or, at the least, a lack of disclosure and transparency to the community. It remains impossible to determine the full extent when business is conducted behind a closed doors.


Another constant in any school board or municipal government is that municipal entities require significant support from lawyers. The longevity of any legal counsel should be tied to independence and performance, and there is a reasonable argument for and against consolidating all legal work with one law firm.

It is difficult to ascertain when
Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick & Kohn LLP (HLERK) first started representing District 113. It predates 2013 and remains the district's go-to law firm today. During that time, HLERK has undoubtedly represented District 113 well in many various matters. The School Board relies heavily on their advice. Virtually all Human Resources (HR) related matters that cannot be handled internally are directed to HLERK. This relationship is a constant in the threads that span a decade.


From 2013 to 2021, District 113 paid HLERK nearly $2.8 million in legal fees. HLERK also represents District 112 in Highland Park — the $2.8 million does not include payments from District 112 or any other municipal entity in Highland Park or Deerfield.

In 2021, District 113 paid $478,488 in legal fees to HLERK, approximately $145 per student.

District 113 is also paying a separate litigation firm fees to defend against Amy Burnetti's lawsuit. A separate law firm was retained for the Burnetti case because Anthony Loizzi is mentioned by name (not as a defendant) five times in the Burnetti Complaint. A lawyer cannot be both a witness and representing a client in the same lawsuit.  

HLERK and Tony Loizzi play a prominent role in the Whistleblower Letter. The Whistleblowers perceived the appearance of impropriety with HLERK representing the district in any matter related to administrators. In particular, because Tony Loizzi, had been an employee of District 113, the Whistleblowers had perceived that he had established close friendships with certain administrators, including Barry Bolek, the Principal who submitted falsified records and group of administrators involved in the document destruction. In essence, the Whistleblowers allege that Loizzi protects his friends from School Board discipline and termination, while steering the School Board into punishing any administrators his own friends don't like. 


As readers may recall, in 2016, the law firm, RobbinsSchwartz, was assigned to investigate a certain Principal’s falsification of records because, according the Whistleblower Letter:


[Principal] is friends with the district’s law firm attorney, Mr. Tony Loizzi, who used to also be an employee at the district (he was the district’s HR director). Mr. Loizzi was and still is to this day, conflicted. He is a former employee and has multiple conflicts of interest with this position.


The Whistleblowers further allege that because of the criminal records destruction that took place in 2017:


Once again, the independent law firm Robbins Schwartz had to be hired by the district to handle the investigation due to Anthony "Tony'' Loizzi having a personal relationship with [Principal] and his assistant principals.”


On December 6, 2017, Robbins Schwartz submitted the results of their independent investigation to Michael Nerheim, Lake County State’s Attorney. Robbins Schwartz provided evidence of the document destruction, including videos, and the firm identified five “potential statutory (criminal) violations” of Illinois law, to be further investigated and prosecuted by the LCSA. It appears from the record that after Robbins Schwartz submitted this letter to the LCSA, there were no further touchpoints between the firm and the School Board. Also, based on Mr. Loizzi's letter to the LCSA it appears that the School Board may have been displeased with the results of the Robbins Schwartz report and that it was submitted to the LCSA.


The LCSA opened an investigation and did some preliminary work. Determining that they needed to further investigate and prosecute crimes committed, the LCSA issued a Grand Jury Subpoena to the Board of Education of District 113.


Yet, the School Board did not return to Robbins Schwartz for legal counsel or representation in reply to the LCSA. Why they didn't is mostly unknown, as any discussion about the Grand Jury Subpoena and document destruction, by former employees, took place behind closed doors. This may have been in violation of the Illinois’ Open Meetings Act, an issue that might be considered by others but not addressed in this report.


Instead, the School Board turned to Tony Loizzi, the same lawyer who is alleged to not be able to provide independent counsel because of his personal relationships with the alleged perpetrators. More than a year later, on March 22, 2019, Tony Loizzi replied on behalf of the Board of Education to the LCSA’s office as follows:


“…the Board directed its general legal counsel to conduct its own internal review in the conduct of the former administrators. Specifically, the Board’s general counsel reviewed (1) the physical records that were recovered; (2) the electronic records that were recovered; (3) the independent legal counsel’s finding; and (4) the statements and opinions of the relevant District personnel.


After the independent counsel investigation and the subsequent internal review of its general counsel, the Board has concluded that the District did not suffer any meaningful harm as a result of the former administrators’ exit from the District.”


It would appear that Tony Loizzi chose his words carefully in the reply. He refers to the "former administrators' exit from the District" rather than referring to their actions — the document destruction. The School District, according to Tony Loizzi, did not suffer any harm from the "exit" of the administrators from the District. One cannot help but wonder who was intended to benefit from such careful wording. 


Also, some readers may find it odd that Loizzi apparently referred to himself in the third person in this reply to the LCSA. This seems to imply that there was lawyer, a general counsel (which is not title in the School District administration) who also reviewed the Robbins Schwartz investigation. Loizzi did not say that "I reviewed the Robbins Schwartz investigation and decided the facts were not worthy of prosecution."

In his letter to the LCSA, Loizzi admitted on behalf of the Board of Education that the school board members had “no interest in pursuing any criminal charges or further criminal investigation against the former administrators” and never did from the inception. This was a significant admission, confirming, irrefutably, that the School Board never intended to hold its former administrators responsible, even though the Robbins Schwartz report detailed several criminal violations.

To his credit, Mr. Loizzi did not provide “alternate facts” to the Lake County State’s Attorney. He did not assert the alleged criminal acts did not take place, nor did he say that the LCSA identified the wrong people, or that the wrong criminal laws were being applied. Loizzi just made it clear that the School Board was not interested in any further investigation and prosecution. As the Lake County State’s Attorney. Michael Nerheim, told the author of this blog, “We cannot successfully prosecute these individuals unless the School Board will cooperate, and it is clear they will not. We do not pursue prosecution where we cannot win.”


There is nothing inherently wrong with having a decades long relationship with a law firm. Indeed, it can be quite beneficial if your lawyers know your culture, history, strengths and weaknesses. The relationship between HLERK and the School Board is deep and constant. While Michael A. Loizzi, Jr., may have established this relationship, his son, Anthony J. Loizzi, Sr., inherited the account.  Originally, Tony Loizzi joined his father’s firm after he graduated from law school — records indicate that he was an associate at that firm from 2006 until June 2013.  


In 2013, the School Board hired Tony Loizzi and gave him responsibility for the internal HR function. This report did not find the exact terms of his new employment but, based on accessible financial reports, he earned a salary “in excess of $60,000/year” (as reported in the Annual Statement of Affairs Summary for FY ending 06/30/2015).

The context of why and how Tony Loizzi became embedded in District 113 is unknown in this report. Presumably, District 113 needed a new HR professional who might also reduce the overall spend on outside legal counsel. It not unusual for law firms to suggest that one of their associates be hired as an employee — it can be beneficial to all involved.  Of course, the terms of that employment matter, and it is important to clearly define the employee's relationship with the law firm. 

It is unlikely that residents were aware of the terms of Tony Loizzi's employment or if there was a secondment agreement with HLERK. One of the most significant aspects of embedding Tony Loizzi in District 113 is whether Tony Loizzi was required to sever its financial relationship with HLERK. Based on his job responsibilities, the School Board should have ensured that Tony Loizzi could no longer be compensated by HLERK when he was employed by the district to ensure that he would not be financially rewarded for assigning new matters to HLERK.


The majority of outside legal fees in any school district are for HR matters. It appears most likely that during the years 2013-2015, if Tony Loizzi had full responsibility for HR, he would have been in a position to determine when to refer new matters to outside counsel, and to whom. Further, Tony Loizzi may have been in a position to supervise HLERK’s — and his father's — performance and to review HLERK's invoices, too.


Tony Loizzi’s friendship with the Principal may have predated Loizzi's employment, or the friendship may have developed while they were both District 113 administrators. Clearly the relationship was evident to many of their co-workers, giving rise to a substantial concern among Loizzi's co-workers and other administrators. They viewed him as having great influence with the School Board. Ultimately, it appeared to many administrators that Tony Loizzi played a key role in any review of Principals actions, including the falsification and subsequent destruction of records. 


The decision to embed Tony Loizzi in District 113's administration was, at best, questionable from the outset. If District 113 needed the assistance of HLERK, it would have been better for the designated associate/employee to not be related to the named partner in the firm. 

Embedding Tony Loizzi into the school's administration had far reaching consequences. It clearly had a negative impact on the staff's perception about the School Board and their decisions. In their letter, the Whistleblowers attribute many problems existing in District 113 to an extensive “Network of Relationships Between Board Members and Specific Administrators.” They provided a separate, lengthy, and detailed document to support their assertions about this network. In the Whistleblowers' words, the document was intended to provide a “snapshot of the relationship between board members, administrators, various employees, the board’s attorney (Tony Loizzi) and key community members [named resident] and the District 113 'Sounding Board' Facebook group [two named administrators]".


The Whistleblowers specifically alleged that this network, including “the board’s attorney…worked with one another with the intent of sewing discontent across all communities and unseating principal Robertson (with success) and superintendent Dignam (with success) to cover up criminal acts committed by [Principal, AP#1 and AP#2].


Anthony J. Loizzi, Sr., returned to HLERK in 2015. It appears his father, Michael A. Loizzi, Jr., may have retired from the firm (although this is a little confusing because Michael A. Loizzi is not listed on the attorneys page, yet there is still a hyperlink to his firm). The baton of responsibility for District 113 appears to have been passed from father to son without dropping a beat. Another constant.


All of the information provided in this chapter leads to a challenging chicken and egg question. Throughout this entire saga, HLERK has been legal counsel to the Board of Education of District 113. 


Who influences the Board more -- its members or its attorneys?

It is reasonable that school board members will follow the advice of legal counsel. Frankly, any board that makes decisions contrary to legal advice takes a significant legal risk upon themselves and the District.


It is equally reasonable that any law firm who represents a long-term client — a multi-million dollar client — will endeavor to do its best to be the client's zealous advocate within the constraints of the law and professional responsibilities of the legal profession. 


Highland Park and Deerfield residents do not know what went on behind closed doors. The community is entitled to transparency. Perhaps every school board member checks their thinking caps and moral compasses at the door. Perhaps new school board members are indoctrinated into an entrenched culture that affects all decision making. Or, perhaps the School Board is following legal advice that simply is not working for this community. Or, they have lawyers who will not steer the board members in the right direction. Perhaps the failures in governance and compliance are a combination of all these deficiencies, and more.

It would be very helpful if Board Members —past and present — would speak up now. Tell the community how District 113 got to this place. The community needs that transparency to build a better future. 

The next chapter will provide lessons learned. Readers are welcome to post their thoughts to the blog or send them directly to me. Please provide your real name and specify whether your thoughts may be made public or are personal correspondence. There is no assurance that all comments will be posted.

Links to all chapters of this report:

Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Thursday, July 12, 2018

$1.013 Million in Cash -- Why Residents Cannot Afford for Township High School District 113 to Go Back for the Future

Township High School District 113 is in turmoil, again. Superintendent Christopher Dignam was ousted, taking with him a $300,000 severance payment after two years of service. Shortly afterward, long-term School Board member, David Small, resigned, reportedly because he found his views "at odds with the majority of board." This created the second vacancy on the School Board since November 2017 when Julie Gordon resigned, later replaced by the appointment of Gayle Byck. More recently, the School Board replaced Small with Ken Fishbain, who was on the school board from 2003 to 2011 and served as its president during 2009-2010. At this time, two of the seven School Board members were not elected by residents but were selected by the School Board based on unspecified criteria.

If the residents of Highland Park and Deerfield think the current School Board is going to right the ship, they are sadly mistaken. It's time to recognize that the single biggest threat to the success of Highland Park High School (HPHS) and Deerfield High School (DHS) is the School Board. The second biggest threat is resident apathy. Based on the current status of our school district, it appears that the School Board simply lacks the ability to move forward as it clings to its past. The recent appointment of Ken Fishbain as a member of the School Board confirms this. Déjà vu, all over again. As George Santayana said, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

“Garbage in, garbage out” -- incorrect or poor-quality input and procedures results in predictable faulty output. Consider the process for selecting Small's replacement. While the School Board accepted online applications from interested residents, it invited only one applicant for an interview, Fishbain. The interview was held in closed session (and the frequent use of closed session school board meetings is worthy of another report). Residents don't know how many applicants there were from two communities known for having many talented, educated, smart, civic-minded people. Yet, the School Board chose to ramrod a former board member and president as the appointee. The purported benefit of this selection was there would be a “quick transition to the board.” This is a euphemism for onboarding someone who will not rock the boat, someone who will not be critical of the existing board, and someone who will vote with the pack. Unfortunately, as seen too often in local politics, unanimity is treated as a virtue, when the community can benefit more from people challenging the status quo and presenting new ideas.

To be sure, I don’t know Ken Fishbain personally or professionally. Based on a cursory online search, he appears to be a talented, educated, smart, civic-minded person. However, while the School Board perceived his previous service to District 113 as an asset, some may consider it a liability. Residents of District 113 cannot afford to allow the School Board to go back for the future.

In at least one material regard, during Fishbain's tenure and leadership, the School Board of District 113 was not paying much attention to financial management and governance from 2009-2011. At the least, it appears it was not paying enough attention to finances. These years were also a time when David Small and Debra Hymen were on the School Board -- Hymen remains on the board. It's time residents take a critical look financial management in that era. 

Between the years 2009-2011, more than $1,013,000 dollars was handled in cash by the District 113 administration. Cash – paper bills – the stuff you used to take out of your wallet to pay for things before credit cards and Apple Pay. Cash, the paper money that leaves no record as it circulates from hand to hand.

In June 2009, Barry Bolek, District 113’s Assistant Superintendent for Finance, signed a “petty cash” check for $349,000. It was endorsed by a District 113 staff member who reported to Bolek.

Ostensibly a finance expert, Bolek should have known that a petty cash check is usually under $50 or, perhaps, even as much as $2,000, depending on the size and purpose of a company. However, $349,000 is not “petty cash” in anyone’s lexicon. Further, the $349,000 check had only Bolek’s signature authorization. There was no countersignature – meaning that there was no internal control to require either the superintendent or the Chairman of the School Board to countersign the check as an internal control on finances. The treasurer or controller of any reasonably sized company would know to have countersigned checks for any payments above a certain level.

Similarly, in June 2010, Bolek signed another “petty cash” check, this one for $343,000. This check wasn’t countersigned, either.

Finally, in 2011, Bolek signed two more large “petty cash” checks. One for $136,000 and the other for $185,000.  The aggregate for those two “petty cash” checks in 2011 was $321,000.

Why $321,000 was split into two checks in 2011 is unknown. Perhaps someone would like to investigate this, or a member of the School Board at the time would like to provide the answer to our communities. 

Worth noting, most suburban banks do not have this much cash on hand. District 113 needed to advise the Chase Bank in Deerfield to be prepared in advance for each of these transactions. Here is an example of the request in 2009.

We don’t know when this process of obtaining hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash started, it could have been going on for decades.

What is known is that in 2011, Chase Bank handed over $321,000 in cash to someone at District 113 for the two "petty cash" checks. These two checks carried the single authorized signature of Barry Bolek, as well as his endorsement on the back of each check for endorsement (see, images of 2011 checks above with signature on front and back of check). It might be assumed, based on the endorsement, that Bolek himself picked up the cash.

To be clear, the School Board allowed Barry Bolek, and most likely his predecessor in the financial role, to have unlimited, unfettered, and uncontrolled access to School District funds. Even if the School Board was unaware of this untenable lack of control, it was also Bolek's responsibility as the person in charge of finance to ensure that standard accounting practices and proper controls were in place. 

In a light most favorable to Bolek, he did not know enough about internal control standards to ensure that checks for amounts over a certain established minimum level would need to be countersigned. Also, the only check that Bolek should have personally endorsed when District 113 was the payor was his own routine paycheck. Residents should also question the standards used by the public accounting firms who audited our public funds during this era and determine whether the accounting firm(s) was held accountable. The same questions are relevant today.

Cash is really not a good way to store or transport money. Who can forget the Unsinkable Molly Brown who hid her fortune in a stove, only to have her husband set it aflame? What if there had been a car accident on the way back to administrative offices? Cash is also not traceable. Yet, it appears likely that the cash – or most of it -- was delivered directly from the Chase Bank back to District 113 administrative offices. Who was responsible for it there? Where was the cash stored there? A large cash drawer, perhaps. Maybe the Assistant Superintendent’s locked file drawer or desk. Maybe a safe. Maybe in the trunk of a car. Who knew or cared? Likely not the School Board.

To be sure, all or part of the cash was intended and used for a yearly book buy-back program at DHS and HPHS. However, based on the lack of records, there is no one at District 113 who can provide an acceptable accounting to residents for the use of $1.013 million of cash during 2009-2011. Also, during 2009-2011 there were many other checks made out to “petty cash” in large amounts of $2,000-$37,000. 

No one can say how much or little of the cash was used in the manner for which it was intended. District 113 had, at best, a very rudimentary accounting for the book buyback program. We do know that lots of people were handling lots of cash. The few existing reports consist of cash received from the bank, cash paid to the students, and the difference to be re-deposited at the bank. The number of books claimed to have been bought back is provided but there are no receipts or credit slips for the books, no inventory records of the books purchased per title, nor is there a signature to hold anyone accountable for the reports. Here is a sample accounting for use of $195,000 in cash in 2009 from Deerfield High School, called "Fiscal Report."

Without inventory and detailed cash records, it is challenging to determine if all the cash was used for the benefit of the school district. A basic review of the shoddy “Fiscal Reports” for the book buy-back programs in 2009-2011 reveals something strange. On average, and inexplicably, the books were always significantly more expensive at Deerfield High School. Same school district, different books? For instance, in 2009, the average alleged cash payment to a student was $35.25 per book at HPHS, while the average alleged cash payment to a student at DHS was $44.71. Compare the following "HPHS 2009 Book Buy Back Ending Cash Report" with the "Fiscal Report" above to see the difference in average price per book. This also shows the lackadaiscal and inconsistent manner in which cash reports were prepared. 
This strange discrepancy was equivalent in 2010 and 2011. The submitted “Fiscal Reports” confirm that the average HPHS book was worth $32.45, while the average DHS book was $46.14.  In 2011, HPHS books averaged $32.72 while DHS books averaged $41.82. Why the consistent disparity? There are several possibilities.

Also, why were there no receipts for the books, or if there were, why were they discarded? Parents like to account for how their children spend money. They might have desired a receipt. Does anyone remember receiving one for the book buy-back? Also, while there was a mention in one document that claimed there was an inventory list for the (approx.) 6,000 books a year District 113 acquired, this list was not made available in the FOIA research done by some interested residents. Were these books purchased the next year by seniors? For cash? So many unanswered, serious monetary questions. Where was the School Board, and president Ken Fishbain during this time?

How is it that these issues at District 113 first came to my attention? In 2014, several concerned residents contacted me, seeking assistance, about financial issues in the district and, in particular, the ginormous "petty cash" checks. (While I am an attorney, I am not representing anyone in any of these issues, but I am a concerned resident.) Like most of us in this District, this was the first I had heard of hundreds of thousands of dollars being handled in cash. As a former bank teller in my college days, I found this of great concern and worth further inquiry. Frankly, I found it unbelievable until these residents provided me with documentation. Some residents had already complained to no avail to the School Board, as well as prominent local politicians at City Hall in Highland Park and with the Village of Deerfield. After reviewing the supporting documentation, it seemed best to reach out to Mike Nerheim, the Lake County State's Attorney. Perhaps the State's Attorney's office could provide some light on the subject or would be interested in inquiring further about the use of large cash sums in the management of public funds.
In January 2015, a concerned Highland Park resident and I met with Kenneth W. LaRue, the Chief of the Special Investigations Unit. Much to my surprise, we were informed that there had been a previous investigation of the book buy-back program's use of cash and "petty cash." (I don't know who reported the matter but would like to thank him/her/them.) The original investigator assigned to the matter also attended this meeting. LaRue later informed me that “the information discovered [in the previous investigation] by our office resulted in the conclusion that while the book buyback program was a terribly disorganized and poorly regulated operation with no oversight, there was no provable criminal conduct.”  He further added, “Although the sloppiness may have been intentionally constructed to disguise criminal behavior, based upon the evidence that we have reviewed, we cannot prove criminal intent due to the lack of documentation, poor accounting and use of cash.” 
Unfortunately, there was no second investigation into the new information I provided the State’s Attorney. LaRue said that the statute of limitations for fraud and other criminal actions had passed. LaRue and the investigator also confirmed in our meeting that they had not noted the disparity between the value in books between the HPHS and DHS book buy-back program sales in their previous investigation, though it was clearly evident in the reports I submitted for their review.

There is a record of emails between Bolek and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office. It may be reasonably inferred that the School Board was aware of the previous investigation -- this would include Small, Hymen and Fishbain. Were Deerfield and Highland Park residents advised of the State’s Attorney’s investigation? In what manner did the School Board step up in response to this investigation? Did the Chicago Tribune, Highland Park News or other local papers or media ever report on this investigation?

Perhaps the only thing that the School Board did right was to put an end to the cash buy-back program in 2012. Yet, a School Board that claims transparency and holds itself accountable to residents should have advised the residents about the State's Attorney's investigation. Also, it should have initiated an independent, third party review and audit to account for the use of cash in 2009-2011, as well as the preceding years.

Did the School Board hold anyone accountable for this monumental lack of control over district finances? We don’t know. There were were two people – one was a CPA – who reported to Bolek and who endorsed various "petty cash" checks for cash. It remains astonishing to me that anyone was willing to accept the assignment of picking up more than a third of a million dollars in cash. That is something many of us would have declined because of the obvious risks. In any event, both of them are no longer with District 113. We do not know if they were terminated or if they just left the district for their own personal reasons, but it is reasonable to assume that they were not held accountable for this cash practice.

On the other hand, Barry Bolek, whose primary responsibility was to manage and protect the District’s finances, does not appear to have been held accountable in any way for the cavalier use of of the "petty cash" and its account. To the contrary, Bolek went on to enjoy a very long career with District 113. The Board rewarded him with substantial pay increases every year until he retired in 2018. His online bio refers to his position as “Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Facilities, Operations, and Transportation.” In other words, he was entrusted with even more responsibility, including the supervision of $120.4 million of improvements as the result of the divisive referendums in 2011 and 2013. In 2017, Bolek was listed as the 6th highest paid public servant in education in Lake County per the Lake County Gazette.

Neither Bolek nor the School Board, individually or as a board, has ever been held accountable for what took place in 2009-2011. Without a thorough, independent, third-party investigation, into the administration's practices, as well as the School Board's conduct, it is impossible to tell whether the use of "petty cash" was caused by incompetence or design. 

Is the current School Better better than the one in place during 2009-2011? Draw your own conclusions. In August 2017, I requested a meeting that was held in the office of the new superintendent, Dignam. The president of the School Board, Michele Culver, was there, as well. Also participating in the discussion was Gerald Meister, a concerned Highland Park resident who has been rebuffed and insulted many times by the School Board over the years for complaining about the misuse of School District finances.

Culver and Dignam listened politely to my detailed report about Bolek’s financial management during 2009-2011 and the failure of the Board to address the problem. They were given all the documentation included with this article and more. I requested that all the information be delivered to the full School Board and offered to meet with them. While Culver and Dignam thanked me for sharing the information, they never provided any follow up whatsoever. Not even a "thank you." To this day, I don't know what they did with all this information. This meeting took place many months before Bolek retired with his substantial retirement package. 

The same School Board that was given the information, and who failed to even respond to me based on the facts, just appointed Ken Fishbain to join them. 

District 113 will be doomed to a "do-nothing” effete board unless and until Deerfield and Highland Park residents rise up and demand transparency and accountability. As a District, we cannot allow the School Board to go on like this forever, underperforming and playing musical chairs, recycling board members when convenient. We must demand better and hold School Board members, administrators and staff accountable. We will have the School Board we deserve.

We simply cannot afford to elect people who are not up to the challenge, who do not represent the residents. We cannot ignore the importance of our votes for School Board, and the necessity for monitoring the board, without reaping the repercussions. We cannot allow our School Board to go back for the future with decisions made in closed sessions. More than two-thirds of your real estate tax dollars is devoted to our school districts. Mismanagement of funds not only puts our children’s education in peril, it impacts our personal and community finances.

We need a School Board comprised of different people. It's time to step up and find new candidates who will take on these responsibilities with integrity and vigor, preferably not from the insular political groups of who usually put forth and endorse candidates in our communities, preferably  comprised of diverse people who understand the importance of financial controls and governance, and who have a better compass for the future of our communities and schools.

© Debra Rade

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